“The light that is in me honors the light that is in you.” 

Hikaru mean is Light in Japanese

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher based in LosAngeles.

Offering Group yoga classes and Private yoga Class.

Online and In person

About Hikaru

Hikaru was born in Japan and is a native speaker of Japanese. She has been practicing yoga since 2008 and after years of studying yoga, she found Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga has changed her very inspiration for life and Hikaru had developed a deeper connection to yoga ever since then. She has been under the mentor of Lisa Walford . and has had the opportunity to study three times with BKS Iyengar’s daughter, Geeta Iyengar in Pune, India. Grateful for her fortune to have learned from such outstanding teachers, she had eventually developed the aspiration to teach. Hikaru hopes to spread their teachings and knowledge as well as her own to future students.

Iyengar Teacher Level 2

Yoga alliance 500hour

Licensed CA Certified Massage& Esthetician

Iyengar Group Class

Iyengar yoga is based on the teachings of world-renowned guru, B.K.S. Iyengar and his book Light on Yoga. Iyengar Yoga is well-known for its emphasis on the precise alignment of the body, which is achieved by using props, such as blocks, bolsters, and chairs. Every facet of Iyengar yoga has its own variation, making it accessible to all levels of practice.In Iyengar yoga, each asana is held for an extended period of time as the students continuously adjust their bodies to correct alignment and deepen the pose’s effects. This intensive process of holding on and letting go builds stamina and strength in the body and mind. Overall, fewer poses are practiced, but with great devotion and precision.Students of Iyengar will progress gradually through the system by moving from the simpler, more beginner-focused asanas to intermediate and complex poses.

Sunday 7:15-8:30AM(LA)

Zoom Online Class $15

Private Class

Provide individual guidance according to the student's level, purpose, physical condition and characteristics. Properly assemble and practice each asana (pose) By conducting individual sequences (asana programs) according to the students, We will deepen the understanding of asanas and bring out the abilities and possibilities of students.We also teach how to practice according to the students. Traditional yoga practice has been a one-on-one relationship between teacher and student. B.K.S.Iyengar practiced this "one-on-one" instruction, To help students master asanas and pranayama correctly and ideally taught each student the meaning and technique of each asana individually. When teachers focus on one student, student improvement usually comes much times faster. Teachers and students first set their goals and then walk together towards their goals. The practice of "correct" yoga and the "personal approach" in teaching isIt is one of the guiding principles of Iyengar Yoga.

50 min $100 Online

60 min $200 In person

-Monthly ( Once a week)

50 min $350 Online

*Meet Once a week same time schedule (May can change Time and days at least 3days in advance. No class on Holiday). This monthly payment will charge every 1st of month.



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